New and Recent Events / Workshops


Iridology Session, Hypnotherapy, The Masculine-Feminine Integration Sessions, The Divine Feminine Rising-Awakening Sacred Sexuality Retreats, and… The Ceremonial Wand Workshops



Masculine-Feminine Integration Online Course…

For women who want to live intentionally sacred lives!




Iridology Events Coming Soon!

Keep An Eye Out… Inspiral Iridology with Sunshine



Connect with me here with any of your questions:





Puja Womens Group Gathering
February 2024

In this special gathering, we came together, not only to seek blessings from the Divine, but to strengthen our bonds as a community of women, empowering and honoring each other’s beautiful qualities!





Divine Feminine Rising-Sacred Sexuality Retreat for Women

September 2023

It’s amazing how quickly community and connection are created with women when there is trust and safety!






Sacred Sexuality – Intimacy Retreat for Couples!

April 2023

An expansive renewal for these beautiful couples!! So much love, joy, and new experiences!

Here’s what they had to say about the Sacred Sexuality, Intimacy Retreat for Couples…“This retreat was all my marriage needed plus more! The love, support, connection, and energy was amazing! The demos, practices, music, and food were all life-changing! When Sunshine & Eric have their next one…don’t hesitate, just sign up! Much Gratitude.”

“This retreat created perspective and understanding of who I am as a sexual infinite being and crystallized the current state of my relationship with my partner. Lots of growth this weekend!”

“This will be a life changer in our sacred sexual lives together. This retreat offered us tools and permission to heal and grow more intimate with each other.” Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”






Another Successful Ceremonial Manifestation Wand retreat!

February 2023

Some Testimonials…


“The Manifestation Wand retreat is a must! The way Sunshine guides you is key to manifesting what is important in your life.

“I am full of Gratitude for Sunshine’s gift of guiding us on a spiritual awakening. She exudes love, harmony, and expertise for everyone around her. Thank you so much Sunshine!”

“I had been looking for a special healer…and found her! Working with Sunshine gives me hope and tools for a healthier me. Her special talents make her someone you want in your life!”







Inner Child Retreat – Choosing Joy!

Sacred circle with amazing women (In Vermont)





“Wow! Thank you, Sunshine! That word seems to sum up the weekend. There aren’t enough words to describe the experience of what happened this past weekend… But magical transformation comes to mind. Thank you for supporting us and holding space for us in this retreat. It was wonderful ‘working’ with you… What we created for each other was nothing short of spectacular!”

 “I feel so lucky to have sat in sacred circle with you amazing women! To see you share your heart with us and to witness your transformation was a blessing and a gift – I mean that!  And thank you for sharing the space with my daughter as well, I know she will reap the benefit for years to come.”

 “I met the most fabulous woman, Sunshine Beeson, I was immediately drawn to her and could tell she was special. Throughout a weekend retreat that she led would learn that she is also gifted.  The retreat was to connect with your Inner Child to bring joy into your life – either more deeply or perhaps for the first time in a long time.”

“On the second day of the retreat Sunshine artfully and skillfully led an exercise for us to connect with our inner child.  At this point in the retreat, I was feeling safe with Sunshine and her guidance – this speaks volumes to how gifted and special and kind Sunshine is, trust does not come easy for me, and it certainly doesn’t come easy for little me.”

With eyes closed and love in my heart and absolutely no expectations I followed Sunshine’s voice and I was blessed with the most beautiful exchange.”




The Divine Feminine Rising-Awakening Sacred Sexuality Retreat

In Society, there are many interpretations regarding sex, sensuality and intimacy. In this world, most are driven and live more in the mind that the heart and body. There seems to be a gap between mind and body.

Many women are being short-circuited by so many distractions, world issues, families, business and stresses of life. Many have sexual blocks that hold old memories or inappropriate circumstances. These sexual wounds often times are held in the sacral or second chakra of the body.

* You want to experience more passion

* You want a deeper connection with intimacy

* You want to trust your body

* You want to let go of deep seated sexual wounds

* You desire to be connected to your desire

* You know more inner healing needs to happen with your sexuality for more confidence


Women heal women where a trusted sisterhood
of community is created.


To learn more, connect with me with questions at






Also Learn more about The Masculine-Feminine Integration Session / Workshop

I invite you to gain clarity about the personas that represent your masculine and feminine so that you can have more pleasure, speak your truth, trust your intuition, trust life, know your purpose, and discover your strength of character.

When you have an understanding of your masculine and feminine energies, it has a ripple effect in your business, family and personal relationships.



The Ceremonial Wand Workshop      

A deeper connection to the divine energies within like-minded women in community and a sense of sisterhood were enjoyed on this day. Looking forward to seeing you at our next Ceremonial Wand journey.


To learn more, connect with me with questions at
Or, Text/Call 617-637-6672

My experience with Sunshine has been such a blessing. Through our hypnotherapy sessions, I have gained a much more clear understanding of my own levels of consciousness and where I have been stuck for my entire adult life with stored wounds. Sunshine provides a safe space to dig deep and give those wounds a voice so that they can be released. Truthfully, it was very hard to do on a personal level, but her gentle guidance and knowledge of other spiritual modalities and when to bring them in to benefit my journey the most is an amazing talent. I’ve done talk therapy before, but never have I made so much progress in only a handful of appts and gained so much knowledge and understanding of myself! I feel lighter, more healed and understood at my core than ever.. I have this one life and I was tired of walking around angry and lonely and not knowing why or how to fix it. This has been an amazing experience that allowed me to not only heal myself, but heal generations of my family so that I can pass on the best to my kids, which was my goal in the first place. I highly recommend Sunshine’s services and will definitely be working with her in the future!

Hilary Goyette

5-Star Google Review